Top 5 products that Russia sell to the Chinese.

Top 5 products that Russia sell to the Chinese.

In the Russian market, the Chinese are buying minerals, timber, industrial equipment, chemical products, metals and metal products. But this is not all that we supply China. About the most interesting last year, in our collection.

Fresh fish

Ice-cold fish Chinese people have bought in large quantities for a long time, and fresh fish have been tasted quite recently. In money terms, the supply of fresh and chilled fish last year increased 13 times and exceeded $ 1 million. It's not difficult to guess whose fish the Chinese are eating. The main suppliers are the Altai and Khabarovsk Territories. The Jewish Autonomous Region and the Primorsky Territory are also exported. Chinese people like to eat Russian crayfish and shellfish. Deliveries of these products last year doubled. We sold shellfish for $ 64.7 million, and mollusks - for $ 22.6 million.
In general, the export of fish and seafood from the Russian Federation to the PRC has not grown much - only by 6%. However, the total sum pleases - $ 1032 million.

Toilet paper and wallpaper

In China, the huge demand for paper products from Russia. Russian kraft paper and kraft paper are especially popular. However, the Chinese buy from us even wallpaper and toilet paper. And also - cardboard boxes, boxes, paper bags and envelopes.
The export of paper products from Russia to China increased slightly last year. Compared to 2015 - by 8%, from $ 75 million to $ 81 million.
But at the same time, the export of printed paper products fell. Supplies of books, newspapers, reproductions and other products of the printing industry from the Russian Federation have almost halved (to $ 24 million).


The Chinese are buying horses in Russia. Last year, we sold 108 horses for $ 503 thousand. In money, exports increased by almost a third (by 28%) compared to 2015.
In addition to the ungulates in the Chinese market, we export whales, dolphins, sea pigs, manatees, seals, sea lions and walruses. Last year, the Chinese exported 81 mammals from Russia, including one primacy.
The export of live animals from Russia to China in 2016 in monetary terms increased by 18% - to $ 7 million - compared with 2015.


Not bad go to the Chinese market and Russian jewelry. More precisely, "precious" raw materials.
Last year, exports of precious and semiprecious stones from Russia to the PRC increased by 20% to $ 31.3 million. In the process, processed and rough diamonds were also processed, although last year their supplies fell three-fold, from $ 15 million to $ 5 million.
We sell very few finished products. In 2016, they did not export any jewelry from silver and gold. Exports of "jeweler" from other precious metals amounted to only $ 242 thousand. This is 2 times more than in 2015, but still very modest.
But the results of the year are good. Export of Russian precious and semiprecious stones and jewelry products from Russia to China by the end of 2016 amounted to $ 95.4 million, which is a quarter more than in 2015.

In general, the trade turnover between China and Russia grew last year. But, unfortunately, not at the expense of Russian exports. Supplies from Russia to China fell by 2.04% to $ 28 billion, according to analysts from Russian Trade. But from China to Russia, on the contrary, grew - by 8.7% - to $ 38.1 billion. We have the Chinese last year in second place in the list of major buyers, the Chinese have - on the first



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