The customs of Japan and Russia signed a memorandum on the development of foreign trade.

The customs of Japan and Russia signed a memorandum on the development of foreign trade.

The customs departments of Japan and Russia signed a memorandum on cooperation and development of foreign trade, the main purpose of which is the exchange of information to promote business.


This was announced by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia Vladimir Bulavin, who is on a visit to Tokyo. - The main outcome of the current meeting is the signing of a memorandum on cooperation and development of foreign trade. First of all, we are talking about the exchange of information on the basis of which it is supposed to accelerate customs procedures and promote business development, "he said. According to the head of the FCS, this exchange will "concern the participants of foreign economic activity, included in the sector with both minimal and high risks." "Further [the memorandum] involves the exchange of data on the detention of drugs, weapons and counterfeit products on the foreign economic channel. The last point is the exchange of statistical data, "Bulavin added.

In March last year, the customs services of Russia and Japan held a meeting on the organization of a "green corridor" for rapid registration and passage of goods. In addition, the same month the consultations of the working group on systemic issues of improving the investment climate between the two countries were held. According to a survey conducted by the Japan Business Federation, the country's business community believes that simplifying customs control can improve the investment climate between Japan and Russia. According to them, customs procedures now take too much time, there are also no guarantees of return on investment and it is difficult to find reliable partners. Bulavin also said that the customs departments of Japan and Russia created a working group on information exchange issues, the first meeting of which will be held in June this year in Moscow. - We will begin with the exchange of data on business in the sector of minimum risks. A working group was set up, the first meeting of which will be held in Moscow in June this year, and technical conditions for the exchange of information will be developed, he noted. "Our information systems are different, we have to synchronize them.

Speaking about the difficulties that Japanese businesses experience when passing customs procedures in Russia, the head of the FCS said that, first of all, the problem lies in filling out customs declarations electronically. "According to the Japanese, we also have several lengthy procedures for customs clearance and inspection, but here I must say that for the participants in foreign economic activity from the sector with minimal risks, the Japanese party inspects 1% of the goods, we - in the ratio of 1.3 %. This is comparable, "- added the head of the FCS. "It is very important for us to listen to the opinion of the Japanese business about the Russian customs, their proposals for improving procedures to help increase the investment attractiveness of the Russian Federation," concluded Bulavin.



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