When exercising customs control, the customs authority is often guided by the principle of selectivity, confining itself only to the fulfillment of those forms of control that are necessary to comply with customs legislation. At the same time, a risk management system is widely used, the purpose of which is to minimize the commission of illegal actions by the participants in foreign economic activity, which can cause substantial damage to the state's trade interests.
Representatives of the customs authorities of Russia and Iran signed a number of documents on cooperation, including a protocol on the "green corridor." More details about the results of the meeting, which was held in Tehran, were told in the press service of the FCS.
When transporting goods, various unforeseen situations are possible, which can lead to partial or complete loss or damage to the cargo. Any transport company should protect itself from such cases, in connection with which, it insures liability or cargo. The owner of the transported cargo can also prevent its financial losses, insuring the goods at its full cost.
Swedish startup Einride introduced the concept of an unmanned electric truck T-Pod, which does not have a driver's cab, but has a remote control function.
The customs departments of Japan and Russia signed a memorandum on cooperation and development of foreign trade, the main purpose of which is the exchange of information to promote business.
Tobacco, alcohol, soy and sweets came to replace the "Bush's legs." The US, whose products were under sanctions, did not want to completely lose the Russian market, and switched to delivering other products, not always useful.
Very many customers are confused and understand under customs payments a variety of additional costs.In fact, everything is very simple.